Traveling: Peru and Las Cholas

While traveling in Peru I have found myself drawn to elderly cholas. The Chola in Peru is a broad term used for females of indigenous descent. They have a very peculiar way of dressing and for some reason my eye was drawn to them over and over again. I even bought some bags for Callixto with the theme of Las Cholas Chismosas (pictured) which loosely translates into "Women Gossiping." I couldn't shake the feeling that I had seen them before, or that they reminded me of something. And yesterday I realised what it was. They remind me of Sophie from Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle! If you have no idea what I am talking about then you have missed out on one of life's great experiences - watching any animated movie made by Hayao Mayazaki. Howl's Moving Castle is not perhaps his greatest work, (Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke are), but it is still very good. There is a well documented link between Japan and Peru and I wonder if Miyazaki has ever been here and if Sophie was inspired by las Cholas. Anyway, I digress.. we started in Peru with the Cholas and ended up in Japan with Miyazaki.. that is the world we live in! Enjoy the pictures below and watch Howl's Moving Castle when you get a chance!
Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle
