Whether you are a boutique hotel looking for just the right type of rug to decorate your rooms, a shop looking for a specific kind of product to sell, or even a person looking for that special something that you can’t seem to find anywhere, look no further. We love a challenge and looking for beautiful needles in haystacks is what we specialize in.

Callixto’s founder Sasha Dennig is constantly travelling and has a huge network of people around the world assisting her, from Berber rug vendors in Marrakesh, to jewelry designers in Korea and chances are that whatever you are looking for, she will know where to find it.
Email her at sasha@callixto.com, add as much detail you can muster and who knows, you might soon find yourself to be the owner of a one of kind Berber rug, or piece of jewelry you don’t know how you ever lived without.