Photography: Obama

I know that most of you have probably seen endless posts like these and none of these pictures are new or novel. I know that this is not a political blog in any way, but we are living in political times, and these photos of Obama sum up my deep respect for the man. Not because I share his politics, which of course I do. How could I not? I am half Austrian, half Chinese born and raised in Paraguay, educated in Switzerland and the UK. I am the culmination of what is now being called "The Failed Multicultural Experiment." To use Obama's words I will always belong to the party that "embraces all not just some" because wherever I go my children and I will always be a minority.
I did not agree with everything he did, of course not. He was human after all not a messiah and nobody can run an operation as vast and complex as the USA and not make mistakes over 8 years. Nevertheless I have always appreciated that he must face impossible choices that I would never be able to fathom. That he would never have had the luxury of absolute moral standpoints that I have. I live in world where I can stand strong in my moral imperatives because there are no consequences really to my beliefs. Countries don't depend on my ability to compromise or see the other side. Regardless of all of that I believe he was a good and decent man as well as President. His humanity and realness shine through all of the pictures below and when looking at them or seeing him speak I have always seen a man of morals, of conscience and of intellect. I have seen him handle horrible situations with grace and everybody around him with dignity. Something I certainly do not see when I look at Trump. Below I share a link which I mostly agree with regarding Obama's record for those of you who are interested.
PS. If my husband looks at me in 20 years time the way Obama still looks at Michele....I know I would have done something right.