Fashion: Lane Marinho Shoes

I have been salivating over everything Lane Marinho does for the last year, maybe more. Her shoes are really something else. They are all made by hand, by her it seems and the use of colours and textures makes my heart sing. I haven't gotten around to getting a pair yet because there are so many I like and I am sure they are priced in such a way that I will not be able to get them all. They are available on this Brazilian website called Cargo Collective and my middling to shite portuguese tells me one has to email them at and liaise with them directly. It seems one can even have some custom made. I am not sure how the shipping out of Brazil works but I think it's worth a shot. Baring that I do have some friends that live in Brazil that could probably sort this out for me... The things one does for shoes! If all of this is too much effort for you, one can do what I have been doing for the last year. Just follow her in Instagram and sigh every time you see something you love.