Australian Travel: Lady Elliot Island and Gary Pepper

I am off to Australia next week, so my focus for the next couple of blog posts will be all things Oz. I have only ever been once to Sydney, so my knowledge is pretty limited. I have been trawling the internet, researching designers, restaurants, bloggers, shops etc and my to do list is starting to fill up pretty swiftly. Before I go somewhere new I tend to have a look at the local bloggers to get an idea of the style, and feel of a place. The standout blogger so far is definitely Gary Pepper. She is beautiful, I love her style, and I love the fact that she also does a Travel Diary section in her blog. Have a look below at her pictures of Lady Elliot Island. I have never even heard of this place, but from the pictures it looks like paradise on earth. My itinerary thus far does not include Lady Elliot Island, but perhaps that should be changed.