Art: Mark Laita's Underwater Photography

I have never really been interested in scuba diving. I think this is partially because many years ago on a family holiday my father woke us all up at 6 o'clock in the morning, forced us to kayak for one hour into open sea, all so that we could snorkel and see these turtles. I do not remember what the turtles looked like or even what was so special about these godforsaken turtles but needless to say I was underwhelmed. What I do remember clearly on the other hand is the THIRST. My father, in his haste had forgotten to pack even the most basic provisions such as fresh water. We kayaked out for one hour, snorkelled for about 45 minutes and kayaked back for what seemed an eternity. All I can remember from that experience is me thinking.. "I am going to die of thirst, out here in the middle of the ocean, because of a freaking turtle." I have recently come across this amazing photographer called Mark Laita who takes these beautiful pictures of underwater wildlife. The colours are absolutely amazing! Maybe its time I rethink my aversion to all things underwater. There are clearly amazing things to see down there!