Callixto Find: La Cure Gourmande

While I was ambling through St Paul de Vence this summer I came across the most amazing confectionary shop called La Cure Gourmande. I do not have a sweet tooth and am probably one of the few women alive that does not love chocolate. Nevertheless, looking through the window I just had to go in. One hour later and 70 Euros poorer I walked out of there with biscuits and chocolates for my husband and a couple of tins for myself. You see you can buy the cute packaging without the chocolates as well! Alas my husband never got to try the biscuits as they never made it back to Hong Kong. I fed them to a pack of hung-over wolves the following Sunday. They were delicious. The chocolates which did make it back, were devoured by my husband (I might have eaten half the tin of "chocolate olives" myself). I have since obviously been on their website and I can tell you that they have shops in France, Belgium, Spain and Dubai for some reason. If you happen to live in one of the countries, do yourself a favour and drag yourself to this store, you will not regret it. For those of you lucky ones living in Europe, they have an online shop and deliver all over Europe (I recommend the chocolate olives). For the rest of the world, if there are any intrepid entrepreneurs looking for a good business idea, I say this is your chance. Get the franchise and bring it to your hood. I spent an hour and 70 euros in there, but only because my luggage was full to bursting. Had that not been the case I probably would have just gone up the counter and said "One of each please."