Travel: The Amazon

Although I have travelled Brazil extensively, and have been to Peru I have never managed to get myself to the Amazon. Yellow fever shots seem to be the main culprit, as I never seemed to have been adequately inoculated while traipsing through the region. Two years ago my mother entered the Peruvian Amazon to partake in some Ayahuasca. It is a sad day indeed when your 60 year old mother proves to me more adventures than you. Particularly as she had no yellow fever shots and had just recovered from a bout of dengue fever. Wuss I thought to myself. Ever since then I have been keeping an eye on all things Amazon travel. I recently came across this company called Aqua Expeditions, which have these kick-ass boats that go down the Amazon from the Peruvian side. Talk about pimp. I have never seen anything as cool or luxurious. Not quite as adventurous as hanging in a hut with a shaman and hallucinating I grant you, but maybe I could enter the Amazon in style first and THEN get off to have some crazy ass shaman experience. Or maybe I could just stay on this amazing boat and let my mother take all the glory. Being eaten alive by mosquito bites is highly over-rated anyway. 
