Art: The Art of Clean Up by Ursus Wehril

The main point of contention in my relationship with J is the timeless battle fought over the ages between The Messy(me) and The Tidy/OCD(him). Intellectually speaking The Messy are always on the losing side of the argument. Yes, it is better to always be able to find your keys. Yes, it is easier to lose things if you are messy. Yes, of course living in a tidy space is nicer. Nevertheless I think there is an argument to be made that with all that tidying, categorising, organising, boxing and colour coding something also gets lost. In his new book "The Art of Clean Up" Ursus Wehril has taken pictures of everyday scenes of "disorder" and "re-organised" them.
For you Tidy People out there I have the following questions:
Which bowl of soup looks tastier?Which group of people are enjoying their day in the sun by the pool more?Which kid is having more fun in the sandbox?
